
Workshops for children and adults

The museum offers several thematic workshops for preschool and school age children throughout the year. In addition to the regular ones, it is possible to organize special workshops for adults on request, according to the interest of the users (dance workshop, basket making, etc.). This type of workshop is organized in collaboration with external collaborators. Mandatory announcements at least one week before the desired date (and for special up to three weeks in advance).

Tel: +385 (0)52 622 220
Number of participants : max 20 
Price: 3 €/kids; 6 €/adults

Workshop: little hedge bill (kosir)

Hedge bill (kosir) was always with his owner, either hung on a hook behind his belt or in his jacket pocket. Without this blade, wood-related jobs were impossible: from felling to the finest carving. With him, corn was cut, stakes were collected and processed in the forest, grapes were picked… Blacksmiths were puttting their mark on kosir, in order to recognize their work. In the permanent exhibition of the museum where the blacksmiths are presented, visitors have the opportunity to see a film about the blacksmith which is an introduction to the workshop. Participants in the workshops will be able to see the original objects from the museum's holdings, and then they will make their own little kosir.

Aim of the workshop: To acquaint the participants with the blacksmith's trade
Duration: approx.45 min
Age: older kindergarten group and lower grades of primary school

Weaving on a loom

Belt (pas or kanica)  is an integral part of women's traditional clothing in Istria. It was used to tie around the skirt, the sleeves were tucked in, the key was worn, and it was also used as a decoration on the dress / skirt. Following the example of a traditional belt, visitors will be able to make narrow ribbons in a workshop on a loom that can serve as a belt, hair ornament or as a bracelet. They are made of wool or thread of different colors and patterns. The workshop is suitable for the participation of the whole family or a few friends because it is done in pairs or a small team.

Aim of the workshop: To introduce the participants to the traditional clothing of Istria with a special emphasis on weaving and making dogs.
Duration: approx. 90 min
Age: from the third to the eighth grade of primary school

My new – old doll

Mainly due to poverty, the children made their own toys from materials that were available to them (old rags, broken dishes, sticks ...). So the girls made rag dolls, the boys made rag balls, whip players and others. At the workshops, participants will learn how dolls were once made from old cloths and take it as a souvenir. In addition, they will learn what are the traditional names in Istria.

Aim of the workshop: To acquaint the participants with the children's culture of Istria - making a toy.
Duration: approx.45 min
Age: from the third to the eighth grade of primary school


Introduction to the cultural landscape and traditional architecture. According to the template and diagram, pieces of foam foil are glued that look like pieces of stone (pljočkice) in order to conjure up the method of construction using the drywall technique. After that, the work is additionally decorated with drawings as desired.

Aim of the workshop: To get acquainted with traditional architecture on the example of kazun
Duration: approx.45 min
Age: older kindergarten group and lower grades of primary school

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