Objects of Memory
The publication is based on the research and analysis of the Souvenirs Museum collection. The catalogue reflects on the beginning on theoretical aspects and character of museum collections generally. The focus moves to the process of formation of collections at the Ethnographic Museum of Istria, particularly on the Souvenir collection. It questions about the function and role of souvenir in the everyday life, in our social and cultural practices. The publication explores the origin and the story of the so-called Istrian souvenir. It reflects about its multilayered aspects: from its categorization and materiality, to the cultural and social connotations and symbolical aspects. Central part of the publication is dedicated to the structural analysis of the collection. Different methodological approaches have been applied in data collection and analysis, as well as different points of view have been offered in its interpretations. Final words serve as guidance for the further development of the collection. The publication is bilingual: the text is written in Croatian and Italian.
Author: Mario Buletić, viši kustos
Italian translation: Vanesa Begić i Carla Rotta
Proof reading: Jasna Perković
Graphic design: Tihana Nalić
Year of publication: 2021