Architecture and house furnishing
The collection "Architecture and house furnishing" consists of items related to house furnishing, movable architectural parts, furniture, house supplies and appliances, supplies for the cooking...
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The collection "Economy" is made up of items which were substantially used by the local population in everyday traditional economic activities. Thus we find the tools that were used, as well as items that were made out of wood and metal in carpentry and blacksmith workshops...

Production of textiles, clothing and footwear, clothing and personal items
The collection contains extremely valuable items of folk handicrafts of the Istrian peninsula, primarily related to the culture of dressing. With its rich holdings of the traditional clothing of the Croatian population, it should be emphasized the individual valuable samples of traditional costumes from Peroj, as well as the traditional clothes of the Italian minority in Vodnjan...

Social and spiritual culture
The collection contains objects related to social cultural and spiritual heritage of the Istrian population. Traditional musical instruments are represented, such as sopele and mih (traditional musical instruments), and harmonica Triestina and instruments of the bark of trees or horn...

Souvenirs, contemporary interpretation of traditional culture
The collection contains items made by village craftsmen inspired by the ethnography of Istria, unique handicrafts and objects of a serial production. Many serve as an educational tool because with their shape, material and function correspond to the original articles...

The collection "migrations" originated during the collection of a material for the exhibition "Suitcases and destinies: Istria outside Istria". It consists of items associated with immigrants from, and immigrants to Istria. There are suitcases, documents and family photos.

Postcards, greeting cards and letters
The collection contains postcards with views of the Istrian towns or other motives, such as folk costumes, traditional architecture and daily life. In addition, it contains postcards from various parts of the world which were sent to Istria...

Photography collection
Photographs depicting everyday life in Istria through the 20th century. Among portraits, family photographs and panoramas of towns, the collection contains photos of the Austro-Hungarian navy, and of soldiers during the World War II. It stands out a collection of photographs African women from the early 20th century.

The collection is constituted mainly of the individual items of families that have donated or sold them to the museum. It is about personal, everyday use items, as well as personal documents which prevail in this collection...

Popular art
This collection contains a certain number of graphics and mainly paintings of Duilio Makovac. His crayon paintings collection, around 100, is named "The Istrian village". The motives represent authors impressions and memory of the everyday life in rural Istria from 1940s to 1980s. These paintings have an important ethnographic value...